Kurbot Emergency Service - Complete

  • Saturday, 9th May, 2009
  • 13:41pm


Our host.kurbot.com server has finished the Emergency Service. As an extra precautionary, we are requesting you to change your password.

To change you cPanel password,

  1. Please visit http://kurbot.com/clientarea.php
  2. Login with your email address and password registered with kurbot
  3. Click on my products & services
  4. Click the View link next to each hosting account to view further details about your hosting account
  5. Scroll down the page untill you find the area to change your cPanel Password
    Note that new password must contain Letters, Numbers & Symbols ( example: aA1!bB2!cC3!)

If your having trouble changing your password, we can help change it for you and e-mail it to you.

Also Note: It is important that you update any FTP software that you use. For your old passwords will no longer work. This is a manditory password change to help guarantee that our services and servers will not be compromised again.

If you have any questions, please send us an email at support@kurbot.com

Thank you for your understanding.

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