Hit Counter Print

  • 0

This script will display unique hits and total hits on an annual basis. This script is very easy to integrate to any online website.

To use this script, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Customization Optional

  • bgcolor=HEXHEX - Web hex color without the # symbol
  • color=HEXHEX - Web hex color without the # symbol
  • tline1=INT - font size in PX
  • tline2=INT - font size in PX

Step 2: Copy and paste one of the following snippets

Option 1

<div align="center">
<img src="http://kurbot.com/track/hit_counter.php"/>

Option 2

<div align="center">
<img src="http://kurbot.com/track/hit_counter.php?bgcolor=FFFFFF&color=000000&tline1=12&tline2=10"/>

Step 4: Enjoy.

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